Review for Suck it.

Suck it.

(#) themission 2010-03-16

i'm sorry but WHAT IS THE POINT OF COMING ON THIS SECTION OF THE SITE JUST TO INSULT GERARD AND PISS US ALL OFF?? do you know how much that man has helped people? SAVED people?? i'm not saying you're not entitled to your own opinion-you are. just have some respect for people, okay? he means so much to so many people and you're going around saying that.. i dislike plenty of people, but i don't say it. especially around people who were saved by them. that's just cruel and rude.

Author's response

in response to 'WHAT IS THE POINT OF COMING ON THIS SECTION OF THE SITE JUST TO INSULT GERARD AND PISS US ALL OFF':... it's quite humurous to see you guys reeallly have no lives and Gerard Way has a life, he doesn't give a fuck about you guys. Seriously, it's not about saving lives. Are you guys stupid or something? Clearly he was a broke ass bitch on the streets and decided to make some money and started a band. Maybe at first they considered the fans, but do you seriously think they give a shit about you losers any more?

I didn't read pass the 'INSULT GERARD AND PISS US ALL OFF'