Review for JEDI POTTER


(#) Cateagle 2010-04-01

Quite the slam-bang start to your story. I do wonder just what the heck Albus is up to, but he's going to find himself with considerably more problems than he expected. I do agree with the others that Fred's spellwork was quite impressive there. It's going to be interesting to see Dumbles' reaction when he gets to the bank and finds out that Hermione's already had the authentic will executed and that his is clearly a fake with a false signature and all; his reactions and responses should be quite instructive. It's good to see that Harry -did- have so many on his side, despite Albus' interferences; I suspect Albus will end up paying dearly for those actions and in more than one way. Methinks he's going to have a devil of a time convincing Augusta Longbottom to release Neville to his training, especially after she knows how Harry fared under his "training".

Author's response

Heya, Cat.

It's always good to start a story with something impressive...but 'A shot rang out in the darkness' was already taken.

Albie's reactions, as well as those of the Goblins would be something to see...if I had intended to include them. As it is, it's going in a different direction.

If I were Augusta, I'd stay as far away from Albus as I possibly could, especially given Harry's fate. Never fear, Neville and the gang, will be showing up in a more supportive role.
