Review for Bring Me Your Love Tonight

Bring Me Your Love Tonight

(#) _Amy_Revenge_ 2010-05-27

Since you offered extra roles.. :)

Alyssa Monroë

Beautiful dark hair that's straight but wavy.

The bluest eyes you'll ever see- they're almost a clear gray at first sight.


Thin, but not rib-exposing thin.
She's got curves in all the right places.

Milky white skin, no acne.

Her lips are in the middle between thin and full.

I'd say she's a middle class woman (or girl, considering her age) but she dresses very fashionably, so no one would know the difference (unless they actually knew her, which was unlikey because she never gets close to anyone, despite how many times her parents have tried.)

She's just turned 18, and has never had a suitor.

I guess you could say she was one of those girls that are absolutely gorgeous, but yet nobody actually wants her..

A secret passion of hers is reading. She LOVES to read. And paint. She'll paint anything in sight. She can sing, but not extraordinarily or anything. But I guess to certain people, it would sound very lovely and worthy of children's ears :)

Hm.. let's see..

She knows how to protect herself. Her father was in a war when he was a bit younger, and after seeing how some women of the world were treated, decided to instruct her how to fight in different styles- street fighting (rarely used, but still) is her favorite form of protection.

She's very crafty with her hands. She can make just about anything and everything, if she sets her mind to it.

She's a great cook.

Her mother passed away when she was 16, and her father is getting closer. When she was born, her mother was 32 and her father was 42. You could say she was their little blessing, considering how rare it was to have a child at that age (back then, anyway). Her father's a little protective over her at the most random times - other times he trusts her completely to take care of herself. She's an only child. She would have had twin brothers, but an accident involving horrible pollution with the city's water caused them to be still-born.

I think that's all. Any questions, I've got twitter, myspace, facebook, and yahoo. Twitter is AmyRevenge, myspace is the same but with spaces between the two names, and facebook is Amy Christine. is, of course, the yahoo :) I hope you write more soon, this is an amazing story so far!

< 3

Oh and to get the ë with the dots above it you have to push alt and then 137. In case you didn't know xP