Review for Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

(#) dragonbreath 2010-06-01

I would imagine that at this stage we can give up on the author coming back to this AU... sad day for all is had.

Author's response

Kinda funny, especially as i didn't see this review until after i updated the story.
It WILL be completed, and possibly even sequelled, but don't hold your breath. To quote my fav game, "My Muse is a fickle bitch, with a very short attention span!"

Kinda funny, especially as i didn't see this review until after i updated the story.
It WILL be completed, and possibly even sequelled, but don't hold your breath. To quote my fav game, "My Muse is a fickle bitch, with a very short attention span!"