Review for Auditions!(?)


(#) SarahSTARRR 2010-07-21

Hey hey hey bb

Apperance:Shoulder lengths dyed dark red hair with a side fringe. How original... Blue/green/grey eyes, really long eyelashes like nearly touching my eyebrows long. Ehh... I usually wear long tops with skinny jeans and flats or girly dresses with black tights and flats or heels. I'm really vain about my looks so my make-up and stuff is always perfect. I wear bright colour eyeshadows like purples and greens or different colour liquid liners. Roysh.

Name: Sarah Star... (Its an actual last name believe it or not... Its just not my real one ='[ A girl can dream right?!) =]

Who you want to be with: Pete since even in my own stories I can never stay with him lol

Personality: Raging Bitch lol. Nah, I'm aiite really. I love my friends with all my heart and soul. I can be a raging bitch at times if I'm in a bad mood or someone gets on my bad side. Other than that I'm just a happy go lucky kinda gal that can kick your ass.

Shit that makes you mad and shit that makes you happy: Shit that makes me mad would be when people on't listen to me or ignore me. That really makes me want to like kill shit. Or if I'm trying to explain something to someone and they can't get it, it drives me absolutley spare.
Shit that makes me happy is Make-up reading, pizza, cupcakes and kicking ass =]

Read yer story and I like where its going =] I haz no suggestions cause its great already (I'm good at ass kissing too lol =D)