Review for Captains


(#) MelonCandy 2006-09-19

Oh my! A good Gundam Wing fic I haven't seen before! You've made my week, darling. These things are just so hard to find...

I really like the Pirate theme lately(Happy 'Talk like a Pirate' Day, by the by). Duo makes a really great pirate, badass captain. Your Trowa/Heero interactions are fun to read. Most people just make them silent, and forget facts like Trowa's infiltration skills and Heero's speeches of beratement to others. The setup of the Gundam boys different sides should be interesting too. I like how Heero isn't all OMG-He's-a-bad-guy-but-he's-got-pretty-eyes-so-I-love-him, which would be weird, but rather it's more of a subconsciencly interested thing while he's consciencly against it. I probably killed the spelling of those two words. You have great spelling, by the by. Oh, and little historical canon notes, like Noin needing to crossdress, or the strong belief in superstition.

And I ramble. But you rock, please keep writing, and thanks for sharing what you have.

Author's response

That's not so much there aren't good GW fics but rather that I already read most if not all of them and I know how that can be annoying.

I thank you ever so much for your praises. Nice comments are always welcome and even more when they are so nicely fleshed out. It's pleasant enough to know someone enjoy your fic but it's even better to know why. I'm trying real hard for authenticity being with the characters or the background story so it's thrilling when someone notices.

I'll confess I completely missed 'talk like a pirate day', isn't that sad? In my defense I'm not all that well in touch with the reality.

I'll keep writing and hope you'll keep on reading.
