Review for JEDI POTTER


(#) Cateagle 2010-11-25

-laughs hilariously- Oh, that's a fun chapter. Before I get down to specifics, I did notice one glaring typo, "...for smoothing important." should be "...for something important."

I agree that what's been done to Draco was earned, though on the edge of excessive (loved the interactions between Minerva and Dobby and, then, Hermione and Dobby). I can, though, understand why he had to be moved for medical reasons and applaud Minerva's efforts to, for now, protect him from his errors. On the other hand, I can appreciate his view of his condition since one of my meds for Type II diabetes has a side-effect along those lines (though not as far as what was done to him). It's unlikely, but we can hope that this experience will teach him to be a bit more cautious.

I loved the confrontation between Albus and Arthur and I wonder how long it'll take Albus to realize just how much he's let slip in such a public setting, with many listening ears, and just how much that knowledge getting into circulation is going to further set him back in his attempts to achieve his definition of Utopia (not that I suspect most would agree with him, many would likely consider it a dsytopia instead). I thoroughly enjoyed the way Arthur took him down argument by argument and laid his real nature bare for all present to see, and tell others about. That Albus considers knowing the truth and acting on it to be "dark" says way more about him than about the situation. I was amused by the location of Arthur's warning signs; I'm sure anyone who gets that far will appreciate them. Having gone berry picking in Scouts, I can appreciate just where the wards are sending folk "the first time"; it's going to be a painful lesson and anyone fool enough to try again deserves what they get. Also, I loved Amelia's sly sense of humor, there; methinks she's definitely a good friend to have on your side (gotta wonder how Harry would've grown up with her as his guardian, methinks he'd be smart, careful, and have a hidden streak of humor that'd catch people by surprise when it "bit" them).

The confrontation in Albus' office was amusing and I wonder how he'll react if/when he sees that second article (if the elves took his copy of the Prophet as part of the trash, he may not know of it until way too late and it's brought to his attention). The prompt warning to Rita was well handled (she can get better "scoops" without going near Hogwarts and he can't place thos bug zappers everywhere). The bandiage with Carolyn was a nice touch as was the flying bar of soap (wonder if it was thrown or just had a potent banishing spell put on it).

I do like the way Arabella is being brought into the community and helped even as she helps them; it's one thing Albus can't fight because he doesn't understand that kind of mutual respect and dealing. The new "training aids" are going to make life "interesting" for those being trained and I suspect those who've seen the original Star Wars movie will recognize them quick enough. Hermione's attempts to get info out of Harry were amusing and I love the "sweet nothings" he used; I'm certain Tommy-boy appreciated just how successful Harry was.

ALbus' schemes to remove Amelia and replace her with someone he thinks he can control should just about seal his fate when they fail, as Tom's efforts have failed, and Albus stands fully exposed for what he is; it's not going to be pretty but it will be effective.

The Valentine's Day party was fun and I loved how Hermione got around Harry's prohibition, though I've no doubt that he'll find a way to make it up to her; the only question is whether it'll be public or private.

Author's response

Hey a Cat!

Typo: Are you certain it's not 'Smoothing important?' (I'll fix it.)

Draco: I dunno, I thought it didn't go nearly far enough. Still he will remember the 'treatment' for the rest of his life.

That sucks, having type II.

~~It's unlikely, but we can hope that this experience will teach him to be a bit more cautious.~~

Unfortunately as Canon has shown us, /Draco never learns/. He's been protected for so long he thinks he's invulnerable.

The confrontation: That conversation took seven figurative months to come out. Arthur has been stewing for that long. As fr remembering, he won't. Having been challenged like he was, for the first time in a long time, Dumbledore completely lost his situational awareness. That's going to cost him. By the time he understands something is terribly wrong, it'll be far too late. that combined with the nasty little sequence of events set up for late April/early May.

Utopias: The only real differences between Dumbledore's utopia and Voldemort's, is the ruler, and to a lesser extent the methods.

We have a blackberry bush that I've been trying to kill for eight years. Ooh rah!

Also, I loved Amelia's sly sense of humor, there; methinks she's definitely a good friend to have on your side (gotta wonder how Harry would've grown up with her as his guardian, methinks he'd be smart, careful, and have a hidden streak of humor that'd catch people by surprise when it "bit" them).

I find my self in complete agreement with both of your points.

I hadn't intended for him to read it at all, so we'll go with your idea.

My primary concern was Rita's potential attraction to the bug-Zappers. I read a story I think on Portkey where she found herself entranced to one on the Weasley's property with the usual result.

Whoever wrote that...thank you.

She threw it. He was being an asshole and she reacted as most women would. (Ladies, I'm not being a pig. You know it's true!)

Arabella. Remotes/Star Wars/ Tommy-boy: Arabella is one of the unsung heroes, I believe she provided Harry his basic instruction in morality. God knows he never got that instruction in Durzkaban! She has much to offer and with her new-found ability to touch the force, she will want to help in any way she can. I can easily see her in the SW 'verse, as a creche mother.

Training aids: Absolutely. and you're right, those who've seen the movies will recognize them. When Moody sees them he's gonna want a hundred!

Tommy: I wonder how evil Tommy would have been, had he ever just gotten laid! there's a story, called 'Luna's Dark Lord Elimination System, or something like that that deals with that aspect of dark lords. If they got laid occasionally, they would be happy and happy people do not make for good dark lords.

Albie plots: Basically, yeah. It's going to come just after a major setback for 'Mister Twinkles', and when the last survivor is interrogated, a lot of things are going to come out into the open.

Valentine's Day/payback: I have something cute written to cover that, and it'll be mostly private.

As always, I love your reviews. They make me think.
