Review for Annoying I know but I need help..

Annoying I know but I need help..

(#) gingeey 2010-12-09

Name: Nicola
Nickname(Or name that you prefer): Nic or Nikki
Eye color: Blue
Hair color/style: Dark auburn hair, layered and wavy and a big side fringe.
Personality: Im shy at first but then i become a bubbly person. I can be sarcastic sometimes but i am quite a jokey person. I have a bit of a short temper but mostly im a sweet person.
Likes: I love tattoos and peircings (and have many of my own)I like music, going out to gigs or clubs with my friends and i enjoy a harmless flirt. I like films ans christmas (random)
Part that you'd like: Hmm i dont mind any would be good (: but i like the sound of mikeys love interest (:
