Review for Annoying I know but I need help..

Annoying I know but I need help..

(#) xDinoRawrx 2010-12-09

Nickname: Jaz
Eye color: Brown or Green. It changes sometimes...
Hair color/style: Dark brown, shoulder-length, with a side parting. Cut kind of badly (I did it myself...)
Personality: Shy. I don't really talk to people, but if we're close I talk WAAAAY too much. Pretty stubborn. And kind of socially awkward.
Likes: Cats, music, sellotaping things to walls, guitar, drawing, The Lion King, snugly pyjamas, reading, wrapping presents, cookie dough ice cream, The Sims and playing with make up :)
Part that you'd like: Any, I don't mind ^_^