Review for JEDI POTTER


(#) Teresa 2010-12-29

Hmmmmm.....Draco should start getting accustomed to such encounters; between Voldy and McGonagall his life will be very interesting! It could be titled " Close Encounters of the Deadly Kind"! While detentions with Mr. Filch aren't as painful as Voldy's crucios they last much longer! Add in Dobby's "attentions" and really Draco should consider becoming a hermit in Siberia, the Amazon, or maybe the Outback! Extreme weather, deadly animals, snakes and insects should be less of a problem then "She Whom You'd Better Obey" and "He Who Will Kill You No Matter Who Obeys"! Ah well, if Draco makes it to the final battle it will be one of two things; either a miracle or proof that God has a sense of humor. Or both! (snickers) By the way, I wanted to say that I thought that Harry's duels with Hermione and Neville were wonderful! I hope that the students realized that Neville had come into his own as well. Will Neville get the chance to deliver a little payback to Snape at some point? It's only fair! I also enjoyed seeing Dumbles tied up with a few compulsions; he deserves it in spades! Thanks again for the chapter! :)

Author's response

Heya, Teresa!

He will. As much as we all wish he was a better person, Draco is a Death Eater. More to the point, he's also a moron...he doesn't learn. Fortunately he'll do something so offensively stupid in late April that Dumbledore can't cover it up. Voldy is going to be pleased he carried out his assignment but upset with how he did it. Of course, Drakey will try to play the martyr card...

Of course, he could always appeal to Voldy's sense of humour...or fair play...or something...

Australia and the Amazon sound good..for the same reasons, but I love the idea of a halfway house in Antarctica for reformed Death Eaters(or at least those who haven't been convicted).

I don't believe in miracles, and as a Buddhist, the phrase, 'Cause and Effect' comes to mind.

Harry's duels. Nevile has already begun to establish himself as driven, capable and someone to be respected. Both Ron and Seamus discovered that in person, and most likely shared the wealth.

As for Hermione: as sad to say as it is, since she's a female type person mark one, mod zero, replaceable sub-assembly, one each, it will always be assumed she's getting a break in exchange for sexual favors. It sucks, but there it is. I knew a 'Reen back in the dark ages, who could outshoot damn near anybody I knew, (besides myself, of course) but there were always some idjits who jarred on that she got the highest score because she was sleeping around. We put a few of those rumours to rest (and a few of those idjits in the hospital) but the rumours were always there.

Neville/Snape: I've already written that scene and am happy with it. Neville will be getting his fun during the battle between the Jedi and the Deez, when he deals with...

(I'm evil that way.)

As much as I agree with you that it's irony to the extreme, now I have to apologize to Dobby. Harry broke his promise to not use dark magicks, and a blood-based compulsion was definitely that. (Bangs head against wall)

Thanks for your great review.
