Since reviews cant be this short, I AM THE AUTUMN CHICKA. xD this story is amazing, but even amazinger when Beggles give you the story in her hold notebook. I hope ya'll get to meet her one day. She is UBER nice and FLUFFY HAIR!! :) Kso, I think I might be almost done. Wait...nope nope. [x Anywho, HER NOTEBOOK THAT CONTAINS THIS IS FKIN GOLDEN. I jack it almost everyday. Hahahaha. Love ya Beggles. (: Anywho, I GET TO HOLD HANDS WITH FRANKIE. Hints why they call me," Mrs. Iero." Hahaha. Anyway, should I be almost done? Naah, Im gunna write the biggest review EVER. Anyway, THIS IS THE GREATEST FERARD STORY IN HISTORY. Hahahahahahahaha. Well, hope you liked my big-ass review. Hahaha. I know what I'm gunna hear Monday: PITNEY, PROFANITY ON FICWAD& QUIT LEAVING ME BIG REVIEWS. Lol OHH WELL. My fingers arent hurting, haha. Begley, I cant describe how fkin amazing this story is. It is really amazing and it makes me wish MCR would approve of you publishing it...maybe they would? I bet it would sell all over the world. Well, im getting carple tunnel so...taataa. Ttyl on FACEEEBOOOOOOOOOOOOK. (;
Author's response
LOL!! Pitney, longest review ever! Man I love you, girl! And you're right- PROFANITY ON FICWAD? lol!! And the 'golden notebook' is actually purple, people. With duct tape holding it together. And only two blank pages. ;)