(#) CyanideSunlight 2011-02-13

Name : Jalyssa or Jasmine

Nickname : Jassie

Gender : Female

Height : 5'4''

Appearance : Medium-long brownish hair with blonde undernethe and black just an inch around the hairline with long side bangs, very pale, LOVES my eyeliner and I like it kinda thick around my eyes, dull blue eyes with hazel and they look innocent yet mischievous and curious, thin ish lips,I have a punky/emo/scene/layed back stlye. I'm skiny, I LOVE black tighttt skinny jeans, and bell bottom jeans, funny teeshirts like with owls and toasters and stuff XD, I have a black sweater with a rose and jewels and chains and there's rhinestones on it and everything and I loovveesss it, I almost alwasy wear a sweater except when I'm at home then I just wear a tee, uhhmmm I love colorful socks!! Skater shoes that are black and purple, long fingers used to play guitar.., err I dunno what else there is... D:

Personality : shy but random and weird, bad temper but I never hit anyone, I'm very scared of pain so whenever it's likeeee I'm gonna get hurt, I flinch.. uhm Aries personality like seriously it's weird, obsessive, hyper but also depressed, tough, cold when angry, annoying :3 Aaannnd I flirt with guys a lot..

Other : Uhm I'm bi. Oh and I REALLY don't care what you do to me, lol. I love to sing, dance, write, play guitar, and draw. I just looovvee music though. I'm kinda controlling.. >.> ...Sorry if I'm bad at describing myself, I'm uncreative with explaining and stuff. :3 But I hope you pick me. You can do whatever with my character. Except make Mikey hate me. Then I'd kill you with my unicorn, Rainbow. >.>

Biggest Fear : death, mirrors, clowns that'll kill me in the night.

Fave Bands: Uhh MyChem, Escape The fate, Black Veil Brides, Green Day, basically anything in those genras.

Short Bio: I'm just a misunderstood girl that lives in a weird family. :3

Where am I from: Canada!

What character I wanna be: MIKEY'S GIRLFRIEND!!!!! Pwease? Or the band manager and I can flirt with him a lot.? lol I love Mikey, clearly. Or I can even be Frankie's girl or Ray's. Doesn't really matter, but I really do wanna be Mikey's. Pwease? I'll give you cookies!!! :D

There, I think that's enough?