(#) SkittlesObsessions 2011-02-13

I'll be auditioning a guy so..

~ Name : Phoenix

~ Nickname: Feeny.

~ Apperance: 5'7, pale skin, dark brown hair that's spiked. Dark brown eyes. Sort of muscular. Resembles Chris Taylor Brown from Trapt.

~ Personality : Social butterfly. Likes to be loud, start conversations with random people. He loves the world and is like a little kid trying to take in everything it gives him. He's curious and nosy about anything that comes across his path. He's generally a sweetheart though.

~ Where are they from? (It's the world tour so make it interesting): Quebec, Canada; Honalulu Hawaii.

~ Favorite Bands : Misfits, Trapt, Avenged Sevenfold, Escape The Fate, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Animals As Leaders, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Journey, Chicago, Black Sabbath, Guns 'n' Roses, The Faders, The Veronicas.

~ What character you want to be : Wherever you need him to be.

~ Short Bio (what their family is like, do they have siblings, do they have a job, how did they find MCR, stuff like that...) Grew up with both parents, dad was in the navy and they moved from Hawaii to Canada for most of his life. Has a younger brother Chase. Still a virgin :P and proud of it. Their job is a sound tech for bands. Saw MCR during warped tour 05' and was hooked ever since.

~ Other : is against drugs, but drinks. A flirt. Scared of needles and snakes. Eats a lot.