Review for The Court of the Queen

The Court of the Queen

(#) drifter 2011-02-23

I agree with every one else, this opening is seems very promising.

Also, good to see back.

I have only scanned your first page of reviews, and while one suggested Fleur or her mother, but no-one has mentioned Gabrielle. I think she has probably gone through the development everyone goes on about. And someone that had rescued you from a environment that is totally against your fire nature has to have left a good impression.

Um, with their nature so close to ... nature, will her court be anything like Selie (Mercedes Lackey) or high elves (W Shakespeare Oberon)?? Oh heck, lets not forget the “Lord of the Rings” elves. Hey, there is a resemblance.

If this is a Queen's Court, will there be ambassadors from other magical courts?

Definitely like to see what else you might come up with.

May the MUSE always be with you!!!