AHHH This is incredible!! Its so descriptive and amazing!! You can almost feel what the characters are feeling, seeing, and experience as if you were a tiny person inside that character's brain! I love the inner turmoil with Frankie on who he should be hanging out with -the people who make him feel like sh*t, or the person who makes him happier than anything- and Gerards turmoil at falling for Frankie! Its so descriptive! AHHH!!
p.s. who doesn't get a little excited when seeing Billie Joe? I mean come on:P With his emerald eyes that sparkle when he plays and sings...-yeah, I'm a looser haha- but seriously, please, please update soon. This is the longest review I've ever written, because it deseves it!!!
Author's response
hehehe thank yooou!! really means a lot you like this :D your review made me smile so much haha! thank yooooou :D
CosmicZombie xo