Review for GET RITA!


(#) gms 2011-03-19

That was one helluva story!!!
I always love it when that Bit@# is taken down by H/Hr.

Though, I would have loved to see the reaction on her face and also the aftereffects this has. Wish you would write that scene into this story as an epilogue or omake or 2nd chapter

Good Luck and God Speed fr all of you stories

Author's response

Heya gms.

Thanks! There were times where I had to stop writing that just to laugh my head off. Rita has caused so much heartache, I figured it was only right she got some in return, and what better way than to use hr 'special abilities' against her?

The freedom of the press only goes so far.

Unfortunately, a second chapter would be rather anticlimactic.

Glad you liked it.
