Review for Killjoys Wanted

Killjoys Wanted

(#) xxMetalxFreak69 2011-03-23

Killjoy name: Scarlet Fever
Real name: Riley Slater
Age: 19
Height: 4ft 10
Skills: Good with repairs and hand to hand combat
Bckground:Troubled teenage runaway with a history of drug problems, parents left her in an orphanage.
Appearance:Chalk white skin. Long lanky straight black hair with blood red tips. Reddish brown eyes. Ripped black skinny jeans, silver stud belt & chain.Black f ishnet vest and blood red tank top under a short sleeved leather black jacket with a flaming skull on the back and a smaller one on the front pocket. Neon red converses and black ray gun. Mask is blood red with a small black bat.
Likes: Rock and metal musik, vampires, blood, horror movies, explosions, fighing and zombies.
Hates: Being called small, pop musik, hospitals, needles and losing.
Personality: Reckless, short tempered, brave and confident. Very sarcastic and makes any serious situation funny.
Style: Emo/scenic and wears a lot of chains.
Catchphrase: Live now die later

Likes: Gerard Way