your name:Jasmine/Jazz
your appearance: shoulder-length messily-cut purply-reddish hair, greeny-brown eyes, pale,
your style and what you tend to wear: black/red/tartan/purple/denim skinny jeans, band tees, hairbands on wrists, converse, has two earrings in each earlobe
your likes/dislikes:
likes: music, cats, bass, drawing, coffee, Death Note, Harry Potter, reading, fanfiction
dislikes: being told what to do, spiders, bitches
your general personality: quiet around strangers, loud around people she's close to, can be very moody and angry but isn't usually, acts a bit like an over-enthusiastic anime character
anything else you think would help me to portray you as a character: vegetarian, bites people sometimes if they piss her off, swears quite a lot