Review for he knew each tear before it came.

he knew each tear before it came.

(#) stfuppercutx 2011-04-18

It really wasn't as bad as you made it sound :)
However I'd love to be Frank's best friend.
Name: Ever Ross
Appearance: naturally wavy purple hair which she straightens almos everyday and has a heavy side fringe which covers her left eye. icy blue eyes that are always outlined with a thick rim of eyeliner and mascara. tall and slim, but has very low self esteem so she does not believe she is skinny. nose and lip are pierced as well as 4 piercings in her left ear and 3 in her right plus a cartilage. exeptionally pale and so burns in the sun. also gets freckles from the sunlight as well.
Personality: she has extremely low self esteem and never believes anyone when they compliment her. she is depressed but only frank knows as she pretends she is fine. she is very sarcastic and witty, but she has an amazing sense of humor. she has a very short temper and loses her patience very easily. reliable and always there for her friends, but can be extremely hostile to people she hates.
loves music and art and is very talented but can't see it. loves her friends. has a strong dislike towards fakes, wannabes and slags, and she lets them know.
she self harms as her family are falling apart, she hates herself and is suicidal. she is too scared to let anyone in apart from frank as she has trust issues.
style: is called 'emo' or 'scene' a lot. wears a lot of bracelets and hoodies in order to hide her cuts. skinny jeans and converse are always seen on her, and wears band tops mostly. her and frank share the same music taste. she also wears a lot of badges and bandanas as she likes them. the badges are mostly band badges, sporting her favorite bands.
has bad claustrophobia as she was locked in the cupboard when she was little by her older brother.

hope this is okay :)