Review for Like A Futuristic Prostitute

Like A Futuristic Prostitute

(#) FlyingSmoke 2011-04-21

Oh my gosh, amazing (and I off I go rambling)! She spoke, and yelled, and laughed, and ate soup, and wanted to die! It must be so overwhelming for her, finally shouting after three years, angry at Doctor. I would be too if he called me a 'little sex kitten'... I mean, that's gross. Doctor can't even move his legs and he's taking about 'little sex kittens' and the bald-ass guy Korse... Now I'm being rude... Man, if I was a Killjoy, I have a feeling I wouldn't like Dr. Death Defying... And EW mushroom soup. I hate mushrooms. They look bad and smell like dead fungus, which, in a way, they are...

Hehe, sorry for the long-ass rambling. Update soon!