Review for JEDI POTTER


(#) Cateagle 2011-05-04

Actually, yes they did. The "Whiskey", "Yankee", and "Zulu" models (UH-1W, AH-1Y, UH-1Z) all have a four bladed rotor as do most of their more modern models.

Heh, speaking of Ray Stevens and Christianity, I love his "Mississippi Squirrel Revival", both the song and the video.

Author's response

Hey again, Cat.

I've found that articulated rotors are easier to fly than the semi-rigid type. There's also a significantly lower chance of mast bump, which as you know, is a Baaaaddd thing!.

Mississippi Squirrel is funny as all hell. Most of his stuff was funny, but he's gotten into the political arena now and a lot of what he sings is insulting to many people.

Le sigh!
