Review for AUDITIONS


(#) MCR_Vampire_321 2011-05-08

Name: Hollie or Hozzie
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight..
Apearence: Purple hair at the top that fades into black that fades into dark brown that fades into light brown at the bottom. Blue eyes, wears glasses but on the days I can be bothered, contact lenses.
Personality: Shy until yew get to know me, then I don't shut up (: I laugh at things that aren't exactly funny to other people. I've got a weird sense of humour...
Likes: Milkshake, SIMs, writing...
Dislikes: Crocodiles (D':, Lifts (I refuse to enter them) and vain girls
Skills: I can write I guess...
Popular/Unpopular/Either: Either
Reason for above- Ummm I just don't mind, I guess :3
Anything Else: I like purple.