Review for AUDITIONS


(#) SarahSTARRR 2011-05-08

Name: Sarah Star
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Apearence: Shoulder length dark putple hair, almond shaped eyes, pale complexion. Not really stick thin but hourglass figure. Wears jeans and t-shirts as well as real girly floaty dresses and heels or flats.
Personality: Pretty outgoing, fairly bitchy. Chatty as fuck with the right people.
Likes: Music, make-up, cooking, shopping.
Dislikes: Quiet people, cats. I fuckin HATE cats. And ignorant people.
Popular/Unpopular/Either: Popular
Reason for above- I'm awesome?! LOL jk I dunno, I'd just prefer to be popular
Anything Else: Nah not really