Review for AUDITIONS


(#) longstocking 2011-05-08

Name: Pippi
Age: 14
Sexuality: Straight
Apearence: Straight, shoulder length purple hair, with blue eyes, glasses. Usually wears a checked shirt, with bright colours...oh, and red eyeliner. ;) Wears jeans and plain black high tops.
Personality: Quiet, Shy, embarrassed easily and wont trust anyone til they've known each other a LOOONG (Ish) time.
Likes: Reading, Appples ^_^, and drawing
Dislikes: Loud places, thunder and lightning, storms, and loud people.
Skills: Drawing
Popular/Unpopular/Either: Unpopular
Reason for above- She's picky about the people she trusts and that makes people dislike her. :/
Anything Else: Uhm...When she finally learns to befriend someone...shes a good friend, a good listener and will stick up for you :D