Review for AUDITIONS


(#) lolhai 2011-05-08

Name: Leslie Frawl
Age: 17 (feel free to change)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual (can be sexually attracted to any human being)
Apearence: 5'7, skinny, naturally white hair that's shorter in the back and chin length in front, bright hazel eyes, has a tongue piercing
Personality: Very truthful with his feelings, very open with his sexuality, hates getting into confrontations and is often the mediator, always welcoming to new kids
Likes: Animals, music, writing, photography, coffee and soda
Dislikes: Homophobes, shallow people, spiders, animal abusers, large crowds, Dr. Pepper, math
Skills: Very good with animals and people, very good at writing
Popular/Unpopular/Either: Preferably unpopular, either is fine
Reason for above- He doesn't like to be fake and he definitely does not fit in with any cliques
Anything Else: He struggles with a poor self image and bulimia, he is often an outcast because he is poor and he doesn't dress like any of the other kids