I'm sure it'll be a great story :)
who you want to be: Doesn't particularly matter as long as I'm one of the good guys xD
killjoy name: Fire Flash
Real name: Sam (but I hate it)
personality: Fairly outgoing and open with people, tries to be kind to everyone no matter what, doesn't like violence unless it has to happen, very willing to help others even if I'll get hurt, I am bisexual and proud of it
Looks: About 5'5 or 5'6, average weight, wears glasses, slightly tan. My hair is dark brown with faded auburn tips from when I dyed it red in like November, it's about half an inch long in the back and a little longer than chin length in the front
Talents: Writing, I'm good with people and fixing things
Reason becoming a killjoy: My twin sister left home to become one because out parents work for BL/ind, and I followed her. She was shot, so I became a killjoy to get revenge
Mask or no mask: Mask, it's like one of those masquerade masks but I decorated it to look like a fox's face
Weapon: Green ray gun with orange bands, shoots orange laser
Likes: Trees, music, coffee, soda, the night sky, old cars, animals, being bi
Dislikes: Hate in general, Dracs, my parents, homophobes, spiders