Review for Audtions please help!!

Audtions please help!!

(#) ZombiexCupcake 2011-05-16

who you want to be: whoever you need :)

killjoy name:
Colorful Destrution
Real name:
Funny, energetic, hyper, loud, really sweet
Really short i'm like 4'11. I'm short for my age but that doesnt stop me ;) I have blond hair but th bottom turns to black and i also have neon pink, blue, and green streaks in my hair :) I have a lip ring and two piercings in each ear. I also have a couple tattoes. I have 'fate' and 'hate' on my knuckles, i have a tattoo on my side that looks like my skin and flesh is ripped off and shows bones, i have 'andy' on the bottom of my foot, and I have butterflies going down my neck.
I can sing and play guitar. also im a great prankster :) hehe
Reason becoming a killjoy:
My parents work for Korse but I didnt want to work for him so I ranaway and found the killjoys. They had always been my idols and I was just trilled to meet them. Especially Frankie ;) I got my killjoy name cause I'm really bubbly and colorful but when i'm in a killing mood i can and will destroy everything in my path.
Mask or no mask:
My mask is neon green and its kinda shaped like a butterfly
A neon rainbow ray gun :)))) and it shoots rainbow laser
Parties, Music, Singing, The outdoors, coffee, pranking people
Dracs, Korse, my family, SPIDERS! (my biggest fear EVER!), needles, doctors