Review for Auditions


(#) ilovefrankieieroxx 2011-05-21

Name: Rosie

Appearance: 5'6, black, long, straight hair with red bits at the ends, fringe covers one eye all the time, hazel eyes with green tinges in, chalk white foundation, tons of black eyeliner, nose stud, lip stud, 5 piercings in each ear

Personality: Shy around people i don't know but once i get to know them i can't stop talking, random, hyper (especially after i have skittles, coffee and/or energy drink), funny

Likes: Reading, writing, music, playing my guitar, drawing

Dislikes: I have a phobia of spiders, i hate homophobes, chavs, slags, "cool" music

which character you want to be: Mikey's gf please!!!!

Good luck with your story and even if i'm in it i'll still read it

Rosie :)