Review for Auditions


(#) xxKilljoysxx 2011-05-21

Name: Romy Patten

Appearance: Really tall, slim-ish, blonde hair(Mikey's color in Danger Days), pale skin, my hair reaches my midback and is dead straight, I have a ringe that sweeps over my left eye, I have greeny blue eyes with topaz flecks in the center.

Personality: Protective, bubbly, realistic, optimistic, trustworthy, shoulder to cry on, risk taker, energetic, fun, not very sensible(you can only live once, may as well make the most of it ,yeah? ;D), calm, easy going, honest, caring.

Likes: music, coffee, fixing things(eg cars), writing, Guitars, love, friends, running.

Dislikes: Meat, homophobes, technology.

which character you want to be: Gee's best friend(: Its up to you though.

I hope I can help you! xxx