Review for RESULTS at the moment (still open for auditions)

RESULTS at the moment (still open for auditions)

(#) VeggieNoEatChicken 2011-05-24

Random person cos that's who i am.

Killjoyname: Brocolli Flavour

Real Name: Pat Mycock

Personality: Pretty pissed off at her parents for naming her "pat", as a result she self harms and hates the world.

Looks: About 3'2 in height, green fro from which she gets her name, wears green and only green.

Background: She has been a vegetarian since her parents became cannibles and tried to eat her. kills anyone who hates broccoli.

Mask or no Mask: Pink. KIDDING!!!! green.

Weapon: Teeth, sharpened for skinning carrots.

Likes: Hurting people.

Dislikes: people smiling at her. I mean, what the fuck her name's Pat Mycock!

Author's response

hehehehe pat^_^