Review for Auditions


(#) Tati 2011-05-30

name: Tatiana (Tati)

age: 22

race: (vampire, human, whatever the fuck CHuck Norris is, lycan, wookie, whatever) : vampire.

eyes: almond shaped dark brown, almost black.

hair: black down to shoulders with faded golden higlights. Layered and cropped. Worn straight.

clothing: ripped skinny jeans, faded old 80's rock band shirts. Plain white t shirts. Studded belts. -> these boots.

type of humour: Dry and screwball.

bod mods: (body modifications for you slower people; piercings, tattoos, et cetera, for you really slow people) Lip ring. foREVer tattoo on right wrist. A Japanese cherry blossom tree on the other. -> that is the tattoo. Heartagram tattoo on shoulder.

unique abilities: (no, you cannot fucking sparkle): accelerated healing (heals fast.) Telekinetic.

a picture of what you wanna look like, perhaps? : Lacey Mosley-ish from Flyleaf. ->

a picture of a kitchen sink (preferably your own) :

anything else i may have missed: Don't think so.