Review for AUDITION!


(#) VelocityBandit 2011-06-01

Name: Tegan

Age: I really don't mind, probably 17?
Or around Gee's age anyway (:

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: 5"6, brown hair that's dyed alot (dark purple at present xD), the bluest eyes, slim, a fuckload of eyeliner and a little mascara but that's it on the make up front. Usually wearing black skinnies or massive skater trousers. Converse and military schoes, band t shirts or stripy ones, long cardigans, sometimes. She'll go all dark and wear studded jewelerry and some gothic stuff. she's basically a tomboy, so you'll never catch her dead wearing a fucking dress. Nose piercing, eyebrow piercing, 11 earings in one ear, nine in the other. Tattoo saying "Love will tear us apart" on inside of right wrist. Black skulls cocovering the side of one shoulder.

Personality: Although some people find the appearance fucking scary, she's pretty shy herself. She's very crazy with her own friends, but freaks out when she has to meet new people. Honest and genuine. She's fairly hotheaded and can be incredibly stubborn. Whenever she goes through rough points in her life she's prone to paranoia and anxiety attacks. She's loyal and if someone messes up she will give them another chance. Good sense of humor, funny. Likes to lay low in social gatherings. Determined when she wants something. She'll stick up for her friends when they go through shit. She has a fear of love, which is why she's scared of telling Gerard she loves him)

Hobbies: Plays piano, acoustic guitar, electric bass, and does artwork. Sings but is terrified of singing for people. Likes hanging out with gays and transvestites and other misfits like herself.

Likes: Animals (owns 2 cats and a dog), Kerrang!, comics, horror movies, being hugged from behind, she smokes pot with Frank xD. Reading. Er, whenever she gets drunk it's usually vodka. She LOVES music. Talking about life with Gerard.

Dislikes: Shitty pop music, clowns, homophobes, judgemental people, ageism, sexism, weightism, racism, people who judge on looks, fake people and suck ups.

Any other descriptions: Best friend is Gee (she has a HUGE crush and wants to tell him) Good friends with Ray and brothers. Her mum is always at work and goes away to conferences quite alot, so her friends usually come to her house. Her dad got chucked out after numerous affairs and his severe alcoholism. Used to beat up both her and her mother. Very independant, has dated before, but hasn't loved any of them.

Even if I don't make it I'll read it so good luck (: xx