Review for HELP! Please :D

HELP! Please :D

(#) circusfreak7 2011-06-16

Name-DetonatorDangerHeart (Danger for short)(male)
Looks-Chin length black hair, pale skin, bright blue eyes, a lip ring and nose stud, pale red lips and long eye lashes.
Outfit-Red jacket with black "claw scratch" marks all over them, dark purple jeans with red "blood" splatters over them and a mask that has "tyre tracks"-main colour red with black "paw" prints on it. A ray gun with lightning and blood splatters and text, reading "Liberation Missile".
Personality-Nice, funny, short tempered, TheManWithThePlan.

The rest is up to you. Tell me if I make it ASAP ; D x thanks
I love auditions:')

Author's response

Thanks so much for responding to this :)

You've got it, would you mind having a sister?