Review for Auditions!!


(#) Tati 2011-06-23

Hai there (:

Name : Tatiana or Tati (tay-dee) for short.

Personality : Expressive. Bubbly. Friendly and welcoming. A little too loud at time. Slightly childish. Upfront about things, will speak my mind if needed. Smooth talker, harmless flirt, hopeless romantic. Creative. Intelligent. Eccentric. I'm a nature freak and health freak. I'm dress girly, but I'm a tomboy underneath it all. I play sports, make perverted jokes, and I have 2 guy friends, so they influence me a little.

Physical description : black hair down to shoulders with red and golden highlights, naturally curly. 5'5, slender and toned, almond shaped dark brown eyes, tan skin.

Likes : movies, frozen yogurt, Starbucks, all music but really likes rock and techno. Photography. Nature. Looking up at stars. Raves. Bonfires. Picnics. Drinking. Animals. Reading. Writing. Kickboxing, sports. Night time! Driving, road trips, hide and seek.

Dislikes : loud noises, slow drivers/walkers, traffic, long lines, crowds, dirt, clutter, when things are uneven (I'm a little OCD about that.), fakes, cheaters, liars, all the -isms.

who you would like to be paired with - I'll take Spencah Smith :P please.