Review for Auditons


(#) Apocalyto 2011-06-25

Killjoy name: Apocalyto
Age:14 (you can change this, but can i drive? xD)
Special Ability: Erm...I wanna be pretty much normal (you can make up an ability if you want)
Colour of ray gun:dark green with Keep Running on it.
Looks:I have long auburn(brown with slight red shine) hair,blue eyes with brown flicking from the pupil, I have quite a few freckles, I'm average height for my age and I don't tan. My outfit is a faded shirt with a woman smoking on it, a brown leather coat with Keep Running sewed onto the arms, worn blue skinny jeans and black biker boots. And I wear leather biker gloves xD Thanks

Author's response

Thanks :]