Review for Audition


(#) lolhai 2011-07-08

I'll be a girl

Killjoy name: Battery Imploder

Real name: Samantha (but I HATE it)

Appearence: Pretty pale but I still have some colour, my eyes change between bright haxel and a topazy colour, my hair is dark brown with coppery tips from and old dye job with random natural white hairs, I'm about 5'5 and I have very small hands and ears

Personality: Talkative when I'm with people I know well, otherwise shy, I have a tendancy to overthink before I do something, I spend a lot of time thinking about things, pretty much only shows emotion when happy, laughs easily

Clothes: Light grey tank top under a black long-sleeved tunic shirt, blue and pink Converse, black fingerless gloves with white stitching, dark blue pants

Weapons: Orange raygun with purple stripes, black-bladed butterfly knife with a silver handle

Other: I'm fairly good at fixing cars, I'm paranoid and I get scared easily