Review for Auditions


(#) Whovian-lily404 2011-07-12

Name: Lily

Killjoy Name: Moonlit Suicide

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Hair Color: Black. Waist length & straight.

Personality: Loud around friends. Passionate about what she believes in. Ready to fight at all times and stands up for everyone. Loves dangerous situations to prove that she can overcome everything (becomes her undoing maybe...). Shy around new people though and hates going anywhere strange without someone else. Hopless with directions.

Background: Came from a different country all alone, with no memory of her past. Woke up on the back of a trailer bound for Battery City. Ditched it and started to wonder around the zones. Learns to defend herself. Only clue to her past are the scars on her arm and a burn which has her name and killjoy name, as if someone branded it into her

Killjoy Outfit: cut-off denim shorts down to knee, edges fraying. black tank-top with a silver belt around her waist. Leather jacket (blue and black with siver stripes) tied around waist. Black army boots. Green and purple socks which come up to knee. Black and blue bandana, tied in different spots each day (neck, head, face, arm/wrist etc). Make Up - white digonal over face to completly cover the right side to contrast with bronzy skin of the left. heavy black eyeliner on left eye with gold eyeshadow going up the eyebrow. Black lipstick and a silver star drawn in the left cheek. bright blue headphones (the big doof-doof ones that cover your whole ear) wirelessly connected to a silver iPod strapped onto right arm.

Weapons: 5 foot samurai sword. silver blade that never gets stained by blood. Hilt is golden metal and purple leather wrapped around. The words "Sekai no owari ka saigo no mono de watashi ga sanshō shite kudasai" are engraved on one side of the blade. Other side reads "Anata ga kaette kuru koto wa nai, katei o kitasa reru koto wa arimasen" The sheath is black has "Tsukiakari no jisatsu" written in silver. Also has a 6 inch dagger identical to sword. Black pistol with silver stripes across the barrel.

If you wanna know, the words on the blade is the Japanese translation for "At the end of the world or the last thing I see/ You are never coming home, never coming home". On the sheath it's Japanese for "Moonlit Suicide"

I hope that this in enough for you and that I didn't go overboard :D