Review for Fairy Wings

Fairy Wings

(#) Rush 2006-02-06

"This movie theater. It's a good place to go when you want to forget things for a while." Sir made a small movement with his hand to indicate the darkened theater. "Here, no one knows or cares about you, and for a little while you can leave your life behind and slip into someone else's--someone stronger, better-looking, and more interesting than you. And the best thing about it is, you don't have to take responsibility for anything, because somebody else makes all the decisions for you. It's almost the perfect escape." He quirked his lips upward at Kai's expression, and added wryly: "It's a human thing, Kai."
--Most beautifully written. (sighs) I love that paragraph for an odd reason. It gives me that warm fuzzy feeling in the inside!

Well as always, beautifully written and amazingly done! You put the "a" in astonishment! Wonderfully done. I shall be back with more and less of a headache also! (laughs)

Until the next chapter...

Take care and Happy early valentines day if you don't update before then!

Author\'s Response: once again, thank you so much, and have a happy valentine's day yourself, with tons of chocolates and cute teddy bears (and maybe an aspirin for the headache). me, i could do with the chocolate. the word 'diet' will be temporarily crossed out from my dictionary.