Review for JEDI POTTER


(#) Qellar 2011-07-28

Since there no feature to send you a PM, hope Ficwad accepts this instead. Are you still alive and with us? There are lot of folks in yahoo groups asking about this fic and if you are still with us or not.

Hope everything is ok and you can get back to writing.


Author's response

Really? I had no idea it was that widely read. (Gorsh!)

I am still alive, but I've been busier than a three peckered goat. (looking for work in an economically depressed area. Le sigh!

Unfortunately I've been having some difficulty with MSN/Hotmail as well. I had a spambot for a long while and two weeks after I managed to kill it off, they blocked my account. (Makes me wonder if they were the ones who planted it in the first place!)

I'm hoping to post the nest chapter this weekend.
