(#) CosmicCollision 2011-07-31

Name: Yasmine / Yaz
Sex: Female
Age: 18

Personality: Outgoing, expressive. Able to adapt to new surroundings well. Likes to talk...a lot. Cooky, snarky, sassy, sarcastic and humble. Doesn't like to make a big deal out of things, so she'll stay quiet, but if someone comes at her the wrong way she is not afraid to speak her mind, even if it means getting physical. Likes to laugh and make people laugh. To hear or tell a funny joke just makes her day for some odd reason. Smiles a lot or waves at random people to see their expressions. Sort of likes to be embarrasing and make people blush, but it's all in good fun, it can come off as she's a jerk but she means no harm. A good listener and doesn't mind letting people vent if they need to. She will unwillingly give bad advice, but it's the thought that counts right? Open minded. Perverted, I accidentally think of things that would make people shun me. Sometimes a little too sensitive. Hopless romantic.

Appearance: short black hair cut asymmetrical with the front layers just a tad bit longer, also a fringe that parts to the right. 5'7, yeah I'm kind of tall. Slender with curvy hips. C cup boobs (I'm sure that doesn't matter, just covering everything hehe.) Sage green eyes with black long lashes. Beige creamy skin. A beauty mark above upper lip

What you wear: white knee length halter dress with a black ribbon tied around waist, a black tulle underneath. black ballet flats.

How you died: on the way to prom with her boyfriend and messing around, they accidentally crashed into another car and swerved off the bridge they were driving on. The boyfriend was still alive and tried to free her from her seatbelt but she drowned.

Like: Outdoors, classical music, love, animals, singing, musical, plays, rain, art, ballet dancing or any dancing, helping people's problems.

Dislike: When people are depressed, cruelty to any living thing. Reminders of her boyfriend or parents, she misses them a lot.

What monster you want to be: (If you want to be a monster) whatever you need.