(#) RyanCyanideKiller 2011-08-02

Killjoy name (Be creative) : Cyanide Killer (Cy for short)

Real name: Ryan Johnston

Age: 17 (change if you feel like it :D)

Gender: Male

Costume: Wears a paint-splattered white t-shirt, dark red skinny jeans, and thigh-high fake leather boots. Mask is a dark red spiked gasmask.

A breif description of yourself (Looks): 5'8, somewhat muscular, naturally dark red hair, skin that doesn't tan or freckle, dark green eyes

Little things I should know about you (Personality): I'm really friendly and I make friends easily, but I do have a bit of a temper

Killjoy name (Be creative) : Northern Lights (North for short)

Real name: Leslie Johnston

Age: Same as Cyanide Killer (they're twin brothers)

Gender: Male

Costume: Dark blue shirt under an open, green button up, loose black jeans, knee-high leather boots

A breif description of yourself (Looks): Basically the same as above, except North is 5'2 and super thin

Little things I should know about you (Personality): Very shy and quiet, doesn't talk much, tends to overthink