Review for Auditons


(#) Cyanide_Adrenaline 2011-08-03

Killjoy name: Cyanide Adrenaline (girl)
Age: 15 (change if need be)
Special ability (mind reader e.t.c) : she can sense someone's power, take it and use for her own use. she can also bend fire, water, earth and air.
Colour of ray gun: Black with purple and orange spats of paint with "Adrenaline Rush" down the barrel.
Appearance: Brown hair down to her shoulders pulled up into a pony tail (hairband can be any color), a pair of silver tinted goggles on her four head, white shirt with a orange muscle shirt over top, a little red heart necklace hidden by a red bandanna,small black bag with little strings with little colored beads on the flap, denim skirt that comes to about half way to her knees, neon pick tights, ray gun holster like Party Poison's, one blue and one green converse (you can decide which foot the they go on) and contacts.
(I don't wear contacts but glasses would get in the way of the goggles when trying to put them on) ^.^