Review for More Auditions

More Auditions

(#) YourFamousLastWords 2011-08-14

Real Name: Zayna King 

Killjoy Name: Rusty Sunshine (Sunny for short)

Gender: Female

Age: Whatever fits(: 

Costume: Black jacket with the word 'Zombie' on the front, faded American flag shirt, red jeans, battered black sneakers with neon green laces. Wears colorful necklaces all the time, and has the word Love tattooed on her right wrist, and Hate on her left. Occasionally wears makeup, and is always playing with her hair.

Looks: 5 feet tall exactly. Dark green eyes and large pupils. She has black hair, with random colored streaks throughout, and a platinum blonde underlayer. Stick thin, but a lot stronger than she looks. Bites her nails a lot, so they're always short. Naturally pale skin, but she's gotten a bit of a tan from living out in the Zones.

Personality: Very outgoing and excitable, gifted in technology, not a very hostile person, but if you piss her off, you're screwed. She's very sarcastic and enjoys swearing. Despite that, she has the personality of a little kid. Doesn't judge people based on their past.

Likes: Technology, being around people, running, nighttime, candy, and drawing.

Dislike: Storms, spiders, being alone, people telling her to be quiet, and being told to act her age.

Part: Ray's girlfriend please? If I don't get it that's alright too(: