Review for Sorry...


(#) cup-full-of-blood 2011-08-16

AWWW dont be depressed by a silly hormonal boy XD theres plenty of them for the future, dont get all into them just yet save that for later, this time is to have fun and not think about having a realtionship and all that :) I know how you feel though it can be really nervouse and annoying with boys you who you like or boys who like you but you dont like them back, been though that, difficult -yikes- XD try not to worry to much, i mean your a kid you have the whole life a head of you, i have felt like everything is meaningless and am sure i will feel the same in thr future at some point lol but you have a lot of potential defo in writing :) you are such a nice person so dont let any of lies shit get to you, not at such a younge age you shoud be worrying about how to get them perfect rips in your tights or perfect lines in your stories :) just have fun and let everything go over your head, i'm sure it will all come to you :p
But if you every need your time dont think about anything, there are times where you need to be selfish, and with your stories -as much as i love them- you can be selfish everyone has their issues..belive me.
all the best :)