Review for Auditions


(#) Apocalyto 2011-08-18

Sounds cool, I'll audition.

Which story: Ghost story. Me and my brother can be the ghosts. xD

Name: Chloe
Age: 15 (You can change if you want)

Looks: Blue eyes, long wavy light brown hair, fringe always over one eye (hides behind hair when embarrassed), 5'5, freckled, pale, doesn't tan, black nails with yellow stripe, yellow eye shadow and black eyeliner.

Personality: Funny, cocky, hyper sometimes, shy around strangers, slight insecurity issues, quiet at times, talkative, but sometimes doesn't talk to anyone at all for ages, kind, motherly to kids, aggressive, loves a good fight, really protective over younger brother, blushes really badly when embarrassed, smart and book worm.

Anything else: English, LOVES Black Veil Brides, loves cookies and pop tarts xD

Name: Ashley (Brother)

Age: 14 (You can change, but he has to be a year younger than me)

Looks: Basically he looks like me, but with slight differences and hes obviously a guy.
Blue eyes slightly curly lightish (slighty darker then mine) brown short hair, 5'6, few freckles, pale (does tan) and really skinny (he doesn't gain any weight, the lucky bugger xD)

Personality: Excitable, hyper, crazy, always teases big sister, LOVES Toad (Mario), girls chase after him (I hate it, they always try to flirt with him! Ugh!), hates high-pitched girls, popular, but hates it (Its kinda sad), funny, cocky and sarcastic.

Thanks! I can't wait to read!