Review for AUDITIONS


(#) abbi229 2011-08-31

Why hello there!
Name: Gabby(but i prefer Abbie)use watever last name you want coz i hate mine :P
Age: 14 (but you can change if im too young)
Looks: bout 5'4",
i have extreamly fuzzy, thick, shoulder lengtgh hair (kinda like Ray's :P)but i style it all emo with a side fringe,
blue/grey eyes(always with dark eye makeup)
gothic clothing all the time! so mainly black with tiney bit of red occaisionally. varies from skinny jeans and band tees to mini skirts with ripped tights, ties, studs, skulls.. al the works;)
bottom right lip ring, nose stud and ears peiced (though you cant see my ears coz of my hair-_-)
Personality: apparently i can be described as a 'happy emo'XD im shy but pretty phsyco X) i try to be nice to everyone so im pretty loved :3
Part: Vampire is cool but i dont really mind

uhhh so yeah! thats me :)
hope i rate!
good luck with your story:D