Review for AUDITIONS


(#) lalatherapist16 2011-08-31

Well heyy! Lol sorry I love talkin like a gay guy. But the format's gonna be a little jacked up cause I'm on my phone. Name: Amber, Age: 17, Gender: Girl (duh :p), Character type: Vampire. And a little of a background story...... Since I was little, I've been smart, cunning and good at getting what I want. I always have braclets and a necklace on and a leather jacket with the sleeves pushed up so people can see the pheonix tat in the middle of my arm. I tend to hang with stupid and bad vamps even though I'm pretty nuteral. I always have my biker boots on and gray ripped skinny jeans. Though people think I'm all badass and dangerous, I sing in choir and write love stories and poetry. But if you even think about touvhing my writing book without my sayso, I'll bite your hand off, quite literally.