Review for More Auditions

More Auditions

(#) XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2011-09-02

I have a guy and a girl-two best friends, but if you only want to use one of them (or none) thats fine. Hope I can help.
Toxic Faith. Nicknamed Toxic
Real name-James but hates it and used to go by Jamie or sometimes Jay.
Age-whatever fits.
Looks-natural black hair, thick fringe falls forward into face, electric blue streaks through it. Cut into choppy layers. One eye is a blue grey colour, the other a blue green. (sometimes people do have different coloured eyes. I read it somewhere.) eyes are sometimes outlined with black eyeliner but not normally. Often surrounded by dark circles from lack of sleep. Tall, very thin-suffered with eating disorders.
Outfit-black jeans-not skinnies just normal ones, am old, faded, bloody band tee (anything really. his fave bands are Iron Maiden, The Cure, Sex Pistols, Green Day, Amber Pacific,) red converse his best friend and her sister scribbled on. A black leather jacket covered in badges and patches. Always keeps a guitar pick in his pocket-he got it at a concert he went to with his best friend (Toxic Rose) a silver chain is worn lodes around his neck that has a silver pick on it with a “D” on it. (the first initial of his friend’s real name) covered in tattoos and piercings-plugs in ears, a rook and a helix. (Just look up a diagram of it if you aren’t sure what it is or leave it out if you want) has snakebites, his tongue pierced.
Personality-kind thinks worst of himself, either very loud or very quiet. Is either extremely low, or hyper and super happy. Flirts a lot but would never cheat on someone. Doesn’t believe in love as his heart has broken too many times. Would die for his friends. hate being told what to do, especially if he knows it’s wrong. Loyal friend but doesn’t trust easily.
Ray gun-black with a “gothic” cross going all the way around it-he finds it rather funny, as he hated religion and his parents tried to cram it down his throat.
Anything else-bisexual parents didn’t accept him, used to be a drug addict and drank too much, but Toxic Rose helped him stop. Because of this he doesn’t drink anymore. smokes a lot-she tried to make him stop but eventually gave in.
Toxic Rose nicknamed Rose.
Age-whatever fits.
Real name-Dakota Nyx (Dakota means friend or ally, Nyx means night)
Looks-waist length black and red hair-black underneath red on top. Cut into lots of different layers, never too neat. Threatens to cut it off as it annoys her but Toxic Faith won’t let her. Emerald green eyes often outlined with black or red eyeliner, red lips, pale. Average height and weight but very underdeveloped-no hips/breast. Very self conscious of this and Toxic Faith teases her about it sometimes. tattoo of a rose on her foot and the name “Dakota” on her left wrist and £Rose” on the other. (Rose was her little sisters name) nose, tongue, lip, belly button and ears pierced-twice on the lobes and the top part of one.
Outfit. Black skinnies, black knee high studded boots-keeps a knife in left one. A black top with random bits of silver and a bleeding red rose on it surrounded by skulls. Wears a silver necklace with a “D” an “R” and a “J” on it. (her, her sisters and her best friends initials) red wristband saying “fuck all authority” written in black.
Personality-kind thinks worst of herself. Loyal friend. Crazy and random, morbid. Not someone you want to get on the bad side of. Don’t piss her off if you enjoy living, as she will kill you, slowly. Seeks revenge a lot-doesn’t forgive easily.
Ray gun-matches her top-skulls and bleeding roses on it.
Anything else-used to be a strict veggie but now will eat meat if she has to. She will complain about it very loudly though. misses her sister terribly and tries to find her, but doesn’t really think she is still alive.
