Review for Auditions...WOOHOO!


(#) Gerardwayiscute 2011-09-07

Name-Jasmine Price. Age-17. Looks-dark brown hair with purple highlights, dark brown eyes, pale skin that tans easily, 5'4 and skinny. Personality-nice, shy around crushes, gets pissed off if you call her emo, good fighter, defends friends, hyper if you give her soda, party animal, smart, gives good advice, a good person to hang out with. Likes-thunderstorms, comedy movies, anything random, mountain dew, listening to music. Dislikes-snobby people, needles, hot weather, horror movies, diet soda. Part-Gerard's girlfriend. Anything else-part spanish, plays piano, sings when she thinks she is alone, and loves the band Three Days Grace.