Review for Auditions and Requests.

Auditions and Requests.

(#) MCRmySoldier6 2011-09-11

Name~ Melanie 'Mel' Andersen
Age (21-24)~ 21
Personality~ Quiet, Awkward, Doesn't really show emotion, but every once in a while, likes to curl up in a corner and let it out. I have my funny moments too, but it's usually when I slip and fall on my butt... Likes to listen more than talk, so I'm the one you wanna go to when you need to vent! Takes music serious. And if you want to cheer me up, just get me to laugh a little
Looks~ Black Shoulder length hair, usually worn down and straightened. Bright green eyes that get even brighter when I cry, they're usually surrounded by eye kohl. Straight white teeth, and I have been told I have a beautiful smile. Pallid skin, and I blush easily. I'm very sensitive about how skinny I am, so if you want to sty on my good side, don't mention it. Usually wears band shirts (Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Iron Maiden, Anthrax) Also wears alot of vintage movie shirts (Jaws, Dawn Of The Dead 1978, etc.) and wears skinny jeans (in the colors black, grey, dark blue, darker colors. Depends on the shirt that day) And a pair of black converse.
Style~ Punk, Dark, Rock, Hates pop.
Anything Else: I play bass, Wear glasses, I'm addicted to Coffee and Coke Zero, and I have a cat named Kitty (I know. SO creative!) :)

Well thanks! Sorry if it's long! Good luck!!!